The Dental Do Do’s & Don’ts of Oral Surgery
After completing oral surgery, you will always be given a set of instructions to follow to help in a speedy and successful recovery. Here are some things to always keep in mind.
- There are many benefits associated with exercise. They can range from losing weight,
maintaining weight and lowering the risk of developing certain diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.). However, after oral surgery, it is always recommended to take a break from physical activity for 2-3 days after surgery. - While oral hygiene should always be a priority, it is important not to rinse vigorously after
surgery and instead lightly spitting. You should avoid mouthwashes and use a saline or salt water solution to rinse. - Stop smoking for at least 24 hours after surgery. Smoking delays the healing process and may cause a dry socket, which is extremely painful.
- Swelling is normally expected and can be common around the mouth, cheek and sides of the face. Do use ice for the first 12 hours after surgery.
- Continue to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly, as best you can, avoiding the area of the
mouth involved in surgery. - Do follow instructions on dosage and taking of any prescriptions/medications given to you by your dentist.
Always remember to call your dental office with any questions or concerns you may have.